We are at the very start of a brand new decade for digital marketing and it is shaping to be a spectacular one. However, as always, there are mistakes to avoid in the pursuit of excellence. Read on to find out exactly how to do that and how to make 2020 your best year yet in digital marketing..

Micro-influencers on the rise
The influencer marketing niche has been experiencing somewhat of a downturn, for a number of reasons.
For one, a growing number of businesses started reporting less-than-stellar ROI on their investments in this type of marketing. This also coincided with the growing costs of influencer marketing, with bigger influencers charging more and more for the exposure. We must also not forget the whole controversy with
fake and or exaggerated influencers whose reach was nowhere near as dramatic as advertised.
In 2020, we will definitely see more and more of micro and even nano-influencers whose follower numbers (usually under 30,000) may not be as spectacular as those flaunted by the more “traditional” influencers, but who boast some other characteristics attractive to marketers.
A 2017 study by HelloSociety reported in AdWeek, for example, found out that micro-influencers engagement rates are 60% higher than those of traditional influencers and that they are almost 7 times more effective per engagement. In short, you may not reach as many people, but you will get more engagement for your
A 2017 study by HelloSociety reported in AdWeek (https://www.adweek.com/digital/micro-influencers-are-moreeffective-
These micro-influencers are also more “specialized”, meaning that you can find people that will hold the most sway
in exactly the industry/niche you are looking for. For instance, as a small business that sells patio furniture, instead
of a home decor influencer, you can go for a patio design influencer who will know more about the industry and
whose followers are more likely to buy from you.